Paintings 2008-2011

Although I started this journey through abstraction around 2005 it wasn’t until 2008 that I felt like I was making work that was worth sharing. It’s strange to think that looking back 16 years later! At the time though, I felt happy with what I was achieving and it’s worth remembering that.

2009 was when I started working with a nomadic gallery called The Future Tense, so I was fortunate enough to be able to make much more work and looking back, it feels like the progression into 2010 demonstrates this.

I’ve only included 1 project from 2011 as I spent a chunk of that year having a reset before I moved to London, the work I’ve shared is from a 6-week residency where I lived and created in a little basement room of a hotel along Brighton’s seafront. I was drawing inspiration from the woodland floors, tangled roots and dappled shadows. I wasn’t aware of the connection then between working in this sub-terranean studio and painting root systems and undergrowth.





