“Versions Of Joanna” Album Cover

“Versions Of Joanna is the brainchild of Peter Ferioli, curator of the video-aggregating site Joanna Newsom TV.  In the course of searching for videos to populate that website, Ferioli realized that other artists had performed an incredibly diverse selection of cover versions of Newsom’s music, and it might be a great idea to put together an album of these tracks for other Newsom fans to enjoy. “ - Quoted from this article by OXFAM

Earlier the same year, some of my paintings inspired by Joanna’s second album “Ys” were included in a publication of writings and artwork in response to her music. This prompted a request for Oxfam to use one of my paintings as an album cover for their covers album by the same name! A Covers Album Album Cover, wrap your head around that one for a moment.

Obviously I was up for it and I made a new one call “Until The Night Is Over”, and they were thrilled with it.

I also got a small edition of 4-colour screen prints made at the time which was a great success! I kept hold of a few and have re-released them on my Collectors List shop.

Album Cover Design for “Versions of Joanna” Oxfam Charity Album

“Until The Night Is Over” Original Painting


“What Does Your Soul Look Like? I” - Collaboration with Cellist Peter Gregson


Brighton’s ARTY Magazine - Spring 2009